
The compilation process for grackle is very similar to that for Enzo. For more details on the Enzo build system, see the Enzo build documentation.


In addition to C/C++ and Fortran compilers, the following dependency must also be installed:

  • HDF5, the hierarchical data format. HDF5 also may require the szip and zlib libraries, which can be found at the HDF5 website. Compiling with HDF5 1.8 or greater requires that the compiler directive H5_USE_16_API be specified. This can be done with -DH5_USE_16_API, which is in the machine specific make files.


Grackle is available in a git repository here. Excellent guides to git and GitHub are available at To clone the Grackle repo, do the following:

~ $ git clone

Additional files containing cooling tables and test results are stored in a submodule linked to the Grackle repository. To get these, run the following command from anywhere within the repository:

~ $ git submodule update --init


  1. Initialize the build system.
~ $ cd grackle
~/grackle $ ./configure
  1. Proceed to the source directory.
~/grackle $ cd src/clib
  1. Configure the build system.


As of version 2.1, Grackle uses libtool for building and installation. As such, both shared and static libraries will be built automatically and it is not necessary to add the -fPIC compiler flag.

Compile settings for different systems are stored in files starting with “Make.mach” in the source directory. Grackle comes with three sample make macros: Make.mach.darwin for Mac OSX, Make.mach.linux-gnu for Linux systems, and an unformatted Make.mach.unknown. If you have a make file prepared for an Enzo install, it cannot be used straight away, but is a very good place to start.

Once you have chosen the make file to be used, a few variables should be set:

  • MACH_LIBTOOL - path to libtool executable. Note, on a Mac, this should point to glibtool, which can be installed with macports or homebrew.
  • LOCAL_HDF5_INSTALL - path to your hdf5 installation.
  • LOCAL_FC_INSTALL - path to Fortran compilers (not including the bin subdirectory).
  • MACH_INSTALL_PREFIX - path where grackle header and library files will be installed.
  • MACH_INSTALL_LIB_DIR - path where libgrackle will be installed (only set if different from MACH_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib).
  • MACH_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR - path where grackle header files will be installed (only set if different from MACH_INSTALL_PREFIX/include).

Once the proper variables are set, they are loaded into the build system by doing the following:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make machine-<system>

Where system refers to the make file you have chosen. For example, if you chose Make.mach.darwin, type:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make machine-darwin

Custom make files can be saved and loaded from a .grackle directory in the home directory.

Compiler Settings

There are three compile options available for setting the precision of baryon fields, compiler optimization, and enabling OpenMP. To see them, type:

 ~/grackle/src/clib $ make show-config


CONFIG_PRECISION  [precision-{32,64}]                     : 64
CONFIG_OPT  [opt-{warn,debug,high,aggressive}]            : high
CONFIG_OMP  [omp-{on,off}]                                : off

For example, to change the optimization to high, type:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make opt-high


Compiling Grackle in single precision (with make precision-32) is not recommended. Because of the high dynamic range involved in calculating many chemistry and cooling rates, running Grackle in single precision can produce unreliable results. This is especially true when running with primordial_chemistry >= 1.

Custom settings can be saved for later use by typing:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make save-config-<keyword>

They will be saved in the .grackle directory in your home directory. To reload them, type:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make load-config-<keyword>

For a list of all available make commands, type:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make help

   Grackle Makefile Help

   make                Compile and generate librackle
   make install        Copy the library somewhere
   make help           Display this help information
   make clean          Remove object files, executable, etc.
   make dep            Create make dependencies in DEPEND file

   make show-version   Display revision control system branch and revision
   make show-diff      Display local file modifications

   make help-config    Display detailed help on configuration make targets
   make show-config    Display the configuration settings
   make show-flags     Display specific compilation flags
   make default        Reset the configuration to the default values
  1. Compile and Install

To build the code, type:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make
Updating DEPEND
Compiling calc_rates.F
Compiling cool1d_multi.F


Then, to install:

~/grackle/src/clib $ make install
  1. Test your Installation

Once installed, you can test your installation with the provided example to assure it is functioning correctly. If something goes wrong in this process, check the out.compile file to see what went wrong during compilation, or use ldd (otool -L on Mac) on your executable to determine what went wrong during linking.

~/grackle/src/clib $ cd ../example
~/grackle/src/example $ make clean
~/grackle/src/example $ make

Compiling cxx_example.C

~/grackle/src/example $ ./cxx_example

The Grackle Version 2.2
Mercurial Branch   default
Mercurial Revision b4650914153d

Initializing grackle data.
with_radiative_cooling: 1.
primordial_chemistry: 3.
metal_cooling: 1.
UVbackground: 1.
Initializing Cloudy cooling: Metals.
cloudy_table_file: ../../input/CloudyData_UVB=HM2012.h5.
Cloudy cooling grid rank: 3.
Cloudy cooling grid dimensions: 29 26 161.
Parameter1: -10 to 4 (29 steps).
Parameter2: 0 to 14.849 (26 steps).
Temperature: 1 to 9 (161 steps).
Reading Cloudy Cooling dataset.
Reading Cloudy Heating dataset.
Initializing UV background.
Reading UV background data from ../../input/CloudyData_UVB=HM2012.h5.
UV background information:
Haardt & Madau (2012, ApJ, 746, 125) [Galaxies & Quasars]
z_min =  0.000
z_max = 15.130
Setting UVbackground_redshift_on to 15.130000.
Setting UVbackground_redshift_off to 0.000000.
Cooling time = -1.434987e+13 s.
Temperature = 4.637034e+02 K.
Pressure = 3.345738e+34.
gamma = 1.666645e+00.

In order to verify that Grackle is fully functional, try running the test suite.