.. _python: Pygrackle: Running Grackle in Python ==================================== Grackle comes with a Python interface, called Pygrackle, which provides access to all of Grackle's functionality. Pygrackle requires the following Python packages: - `Cython `__ - flake8 (only required for the test suite) - `h5py `__ - `matplotlib `__ - `NumPy `__ - packaging (only required for the test suite) - py.test (only required for the test suite) - `yt `__ The easiest thing to do is follow the instructions for installing yt, which will provide you with Cython, matplotlib, and NumPy. Flake8 and py.test can then be installed via pip. Installing Pygrackle -------------------- Once the Grackle library has been built and the above dependencies have been installed, Pygrackle can be installed by moving into the **src/python** directory and running ``pip install -e .``. .. highlight:: none :: ~/grackle $ cd src/python ~/grackle/src/python $ pip install -e . .. note:: Pygrackle can only be run when Grackle is compiled without OpenMP. See :ref:`openmp`. Running the Example Scripts --------------------------- A number of example scripts are available in the **src/python/examples** directory. These scripts provide examples of ways that Grackle can be used in simplified models, such as solving the temperature evolution of a parcel of gas at constant density or in a free-fall model. Each example will produce a figure as well as a dataset that can be loaded and analyzed with `yt `__. Cooling Rate Figure Example +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This sets up a one-dimensional grid at a constant density with logarithmically spaced temperatures from 10 K to 10\ :sup:`9` K. Radiative cooling is disabled and the chemistry solver is iterated until the species fractions have converged. The cooling time is then calculated and used to compute the cooling rate. .. highlight:: none :: python cooling_rate.py .. image:: _images/cooling_rate.png :width: 500 After the script runs, and hdf5 file will be created with a similar name. This can be loaded in with yt. .. code-block:: python >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("cooling_rate.h5") >>> print ds.data["temperature"] [ 1.00000000e+01 1.09698580e+01 1.20337784e+01 1.32008840e+01, ..., 7.57525026e+08 8.30994195e+08 9.11588830e+08 1.00000000e+09] K >>> print ds.data["cooling_rate"] [ 1.09233398e-25 1.08692516e-25 1.08117583e-25 1.07505345e-25, ..., 3.77902570e-23 3.94523273e-23 4.12003667e-23 4.30376998e-23] cm**3*erg/s Cooling Cell Example ++++++++++++++++++++ This sets up a single grid cell with an initial density and temperature and solves the chemistry and cooling for a given amount of time. The resulting dataset gives the values of the densities, temperatures, and mean molecular weights for all times. .. highlight:: none :: python cooling_cell.py .. image:: _images/cooling_cell.png :width: 500 .. code-block:: python >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("cooling_cell.h5") >>> print ds.data["time"].to("Myr") YTArray([ 0.00000000e+00, 6.74660169e-02, 1.34932034e-01, ..., 9.98497051e+01, 9.99171711e+01, 9.99846371e+01]) Myr >>> print ds.data["temperature"] YTArray([ 990014.56406726, 980007.32720091, 969992.99066987, ..., 9263.81515866, 9263.81515824, 9263.81515865]) K Free-Fall Collapse Example ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This sets up a single grid cell with an initial number density of 1 cm\ :sup:`-3`. The density increases with time following a free-fall collapse model. As the density increases, thermal energy is added to model heating via adiabatic compression. This can be useful for testing chemistry networks over a large range in density. .. highlight:: none :: python freefall.py .. image:: _images/freefall.png :width: 500 The resulting dataset can be analyzed similarly as above. .. code-block:: python >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("freefall.h5") >>> print ds.data["time"].to("Myr") [ 0. 0.45900816 0.91572127 ..., 219.90360841 219.90360855 219.9036087 ] Myr >>> print ds.data["density"] [ 1.67373522e-25 1.69059895e-25 1.70763258e-25 ..., 1.65068531e-12 1.66121253e-12 1.67178981e-12] g/cm**3 >>> print ds.data["temperature"] [ 99.94958248 100.61345564 101.28160228 ..., 1728.89321898 1729.32604568 1729.75744287] K Using Grackle with yt +++++++++++++++++++++ This example illustrates how Grackle functionality can be called using simulation datasets loaded with `yt `__ as input. .. code-block:: python python -i yt_grackle.py >>> print (sp['gas', 'grackle_cooling_time'].to('Myr')) [-5.33399975 -5.68132287 -6.04043746 ... -0.44279721 -0.37466095 -0.19981158] Myr >>> print (sp['gas', 'grackle_temperature']) [12937.90890302 12953.99126155 13234.96820101 ... 11824.51319307 11588.16161462 10173.0168747 ] K Through ``pygrackle``, the following ``yt`` fields are defined: - ``('gas', 'grackle_cooling_time')`` - ``('gas', 'grackle_gamma')`` - ``('gas', 'grackle_molecular_weight')`` - ``('gas', 'grackle_pressure')`` - ``('gas', 'grackle_temperature')`` - ``('gas', 'grackle_dust_temperature')`` These fields are created after calling the ``add_grackle_fields`` function. This function will initialize Grackle with settings from parameters in the loaded dataset. Optionally, parameters can be specified manually to override.